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你可能会想一些由洗澡,看书,摇篮曲等组成的一些睡前例行程序对于婴儿来说不是那么必须的。但是美国罗德岛州Hasbro儿童医院儿童睡眠障碍诊所的主任Judith Owens说“熄灯睡觉之前进行一系列平静的,令人愉快的活动是非常重要的”。能够帮助你的孩子准备好入睡状态,她解释说。

一些大的孩子的父母会放弃睡前常规可能因为他们错误的认为他们的孩子已经很大了不需要了,或者因为父母自己很累而放弃睡前例行程序。但是即使是成人每晚也会受益于一些好的例行程序而平静下来。Mindell. Plus说“我们不能期望我们的孩子自己从繁忙的白日转换成夜晚睡前状态”,另外她补充说:经研究表明校龄儿童如果没有睡前例行程序,那么显然他们就不会得到足够的睡眠。












4. Mistake: Skipping the bedtime routine
With a baby, you might assume that a routine consisting of a bath, a book, and a lullaby isn't yet necessary. But "having a series of calming, pleasing activities leading up to lights-out is very important," says Judith Owens, director of the pediatric sleep disorders clinic at Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. It prepares your child for sleep, she explains.

Parents of big kids who used to have a bedtime routine may drop it because they mistakenly believe their child is too old or because they are too tired themselves to do it. But even adults benefit from having some kind of routine to wind down each night. "We can't expect our kids to go from a busy day to lights off," says Mindell. Plus, she adds, research has indicated that "school-age children who do not have a routine clearly do not get the sleep they need."

Good habit: A comforting bedtime ritual

Regardless of your child's age, the key is to have a predictable series of steps
or what Spivack calls "sleep cues" that help him wind down from the day. For an infant, that might mean a simple change into pajamas and some cuddling; with older children, the routine might entail a bath, reading books, singing songs, or saying a prayer.

You can create your own ritual: "What we're talking about is having consistent activities that happen in the same space, in the same order, at roughly the same time every night," Spivack says.

