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发表于 12-18 17:51| 只看楼主| 倒序看帖| 发送站内信
The near
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repelled the Union soldiers, inflicting terrible casualties. Afterward, Union soldiers
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likely sheltered anywhere they could, including in the basement Mr. Kiser’s crew
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Fredericksburg’s case, city planners hired Mr. Kiser’s firm to investigate the historical significance of the property chosen for the $35
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发表于 12-18 17:51| 只看楼主| 倒序看帖| 发送站内信
The near
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perfect preservation of the site has helped to paint a
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vivid portrait of the aftermath of the battle, when Ambrose Burnside, the
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general of the Union forces, tried to take the city from the Robert E. Lee, the
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Confederate general, as Union forces forged toward Richmond. When Burnside’s forces charged
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on Dec. 13, Lee’s forces were perched on the heights above the city. They easily
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repelled the Union soldiers, inflicting terrible casualties. Afterward, Union soldiers
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likely sheltered anywhere they could, including in the basement Mr. Kiser’s crew
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discovered. There, the soldiers would have opened tins of food and warmed themselves around
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the fireplace. They broke out whiskey bottles, and smoked tobacco pipes. As they entered
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the basement, they were probably told to empty their rifles to prevent accidental
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discharges, which resulted in a pile of ammunition on the floor. The next day, the Union
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generals ordered their troops to fall back across the Rappahannock River, and Joseph Hooker,
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a major general, told officers to check houses for Union troops who had taken shelter.
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At some point, fire engulfed the building, which collapsed into the cellar, sealing in
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its contents. which today lies just beyond the suburbs of Washington. said John Hennessy,
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a National Park Service historian. Such sites are a kind of archaeological Brigadoon,
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the fictional Scottish village that appeared once a century. They come unexpectedly amid
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construction, scientists and historians have only a brief period to document them,
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and then construction resumes, destroying the site. Most archaeological artifacts today
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are unearthed because of development, said Joe B. Jones, the director of the Center for
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Archaeological Research at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg. Until people
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start breaking ground, only then do people realize what they’ve got there, and everybody’s
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got to scramble to find a way to deal with it in a responsible way,” he said. in
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Fredericksburg’s case, city planners hired Mr. Kiser’s firm to investigate the historical significance of the property chosen for the $35
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million courthouse complex.
发表于 12-25 16:47| 只看楼主| 倒序看帖| 发送站内信



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